How Are Varicose Veins Treated

12/21/2015 20:47

If one day you notice these blur or red varicose veins on your legs, don’t panic. You’re not alone, from the report of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, there are 60 percent of women have varicose veins.


Varicose veins are caused by the veins lost their value. You might know that veins are playing an important part in our body. They are responsible for getting blood back to the heart. Veins in the legs have to work against gravity. When they lost their value, the blood follow back to the veins, which result in feelings of pain. Varicose veins are enlarged veins that often develop close the skin. They are red, blue or fresh colors. They might also look lumpy, bulging, or twisted.



Varicose veins can occur both in men and women of any age, but it’s common among old women. A family history of varicose veins increases the risk to develop varicose veins. Other factors like pregnancy, long time standing and sitting, lifestyle, overweight can also cause varicose veins.


What you can to do to prevent varicose? There is no magic technology and methods to get rid of varicose veins, preventing varicose veins is not a perfect science. But we have talked with many doctors and patients, they give us many tricks and tips can definitely help:


Compression stockings are the first solution that is recommended by lots of doctors. They can improve your circulation and reduce the symptoms by squeezing the damaged vines during the days. There is no need to wear compression stockings all days, just ask your doctors how long you need to wear them.


To get rid of varicose veins naturally, you need to reduce the pressure on your legs at first. Some exercises are helpful for preventing varicose veins, include tai chi, yoga, swimming, walking, etc. Some sports that increase the pressure are not recommended, like running, football, boxing, etc.


Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the risk factor for individuals who are potential to develop varicose veins. If you have no idea to measure your own BMI, check out here to calculate, it’s pretty easy.


Check out here to find more tip on how to get rid of varicose veins.

